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Tired of Awkward Office Parties? Here Are 5 Icebreakers That Are Actually FUN!

We've all been there: Folding chairs arranged in a circle, polite smiles that come off more as grimaces, and an enthusiastic but cringingly awkward host who's desperately trying to get the party started. It's the stuff of office nightmares.

It's literally like being in an episode of The Office. (Image: The Sun UK)

"Okay, everyone — let's go around the circle and name one *craaazy* thing about ourselves!"

The introverts slink down in their chairs, silently praying for a fire alarm to go off and rescue them from this "party".

We've. All. Been. There.

So, that brings us to this post. You've been elected to plan the office party; colleagues are depending on you — this day of frivolity is the highlight of the work year! The pressure is on.

Image: Pinterest.

But never fear! We're here to save you (NBD) with this, frankly awesome, list of #icebreakers that people actually want to do. Banish those circles of sad chairs, rebuke "two truths and a lie" (because, let's be honest, that one's just asking for trouble), and get the party started with these games.

Because after all, a party without games is just a meeting.

1. Giant Jenga

Need we say more?

Giant Jenga: It's like lego for adults… and kids. (Images: The Garden Party Co.; Lana Graham)

Okay… maybe a little bit more.

The thing about #giantjenga is that it always starts the same way; people see the tower, amused by the novelty of the formally tiny table-top game being blown up to the size of a Fuji Xerox CM405df (#officelingo), and saunter over with a chuckle. They playfully poke a Jenga block, the whole tower teeters — onlookers gasp — aaand, they're hooked. It's not a novelty anymore, it's a serious competition; a test of engineering prowess, of razor-sharp focus — the steady hands of a surgeon combine with the… too much?

2. Ladder Golf

The best game you've never heard of.

Flamingos: optional but recommended. (Images: The Garden Party Co.)

Despite having the word 'golf' right there in the name, this game is so much fun. Particularly good for the, erm... players of a more mature vintage — as well as anyone in a cocktail dress. This game can be played while standing tall and perfectly still, drink in one hand, casually tossing the bolas with the other. Minimal effort, but frustratingly addictive as those little #bolas suckers are much harder to land on the rungs than you might think.

That time Ladder Golf was on the TV machine

Ladder Golf Tournaments are a particularly good way to get the competition going: get two sets side-by-side and greatly increase your chance of seeing a bolas-related temper tantrum at some point during the proceedings. Excellent 👍

3. Really BIG Chess

For the accounting department.

It's trickier to turn the board over in a fit of chess-rage, but in all other aspects — significantly more awesome than regular chess. (Image: The Garden Party Co.)

We jest — non-accountants can play chess, too. Especially ludicrously big chess.

It's just like regular #chess, except it's better because it's bigger. What's not to love? If I had my choice between galloping a horse* across a chess mat to take out the enemy's Queen, or #trustfalls with Jeremy from the mailroom, I know which I'm choosing. On guard! 🏇

*Yes, I know they are called Knights. But do you see a knight? I see only a noble steed.

4. Croquet

"...but we don't have a lawn area"; behold:

Of all the things Ireland gave the world, we're particularly thankful for croquet. (Images: The Garden Party Co.)

All you need to enjoy this classic game are some pot plants and ingenuity (…or a lawn area).

Croquet's a great team game, spectator sport, and given that it's played with mallets (or "humungous hammers", as one of our younger players once told us) it's heaps of fun.

5. Giant Pick Up Sticks

Note: not for duelling; still fun.

Not quite the delicate sticks that we grew up playing with — these ones are just shy of a metre long. (Images: The Garden Party Co.)

Just like the classic tabletop game of your childhood - but with a little less delicacy involved (... and just way better). Break up into teams and get the whole office involved — the pointy ends are excellent for poking cheaters.

So there you have it - you're rescued from awkward office party land. Hire these games now and you'll go down in office folk lore as the one who banished those loathed icebreakers of old.

You're welcome.

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